
Showing posts from October, 2023

Why Employment Screening In Malaysia Has Become Mandatory For Few Businesses?

  Employment screening, in simple terms, involves checking the backgrounds of potential employees before hiring them. In industries where employee trust and security are paramount, such as finance, healthcare, and childcare, employment screening has become non-negotiable.    Why the Shift Towards Mandatory Employment Screening in Malaysia?   Now that we have a clearer picture of what employment screening involves, let's explore why it's become mandatory for certain businesses in Malaysia:   a)      Ensuring Trust and Safety: In industries where the well-being and safety of individuals are at stake, such as childcare and healthcare, trust is everything. Employers in these sectors simply can't afford to take chances with unverified hires.  Corporate Specialist Training Malaysia   ensures that individuals with criminal records or false qualifications are identified and kept away from sensitive roles.   b)       Meeting compliance requirements: Employment screening has emerge